Market-leading accuracy and precision in EA-IRMS analysis combined with outstanding flexibility and superior ease of use – a matter of fact with vario ISOTOPE cube. The instrument can determine samples with even the most challenging C / N and C / S elemental ratios of up to 7000 : 1 and 5000 : 1, respectively. This can be achieved thanks to the Advanced Purge and Trap technology provided exclusively by Elementar. Combine the vario ISOTOPE cube with one of our high performance IRMS systems and raise your isotope ratio analysis to the next level!
- Market-leading accuracy and precision across a broad range of possible applications through Advanced Purge and Trap technology
- Superior ease of use through sophisticated self-diagnosis and tool-free routine maintenance
- Outstanding robustness
- 10 year warranty on furnace and thermal conductivity detector cell
- Integrated 80 position autosampler as standard
- Patented ball valve for blank-free sample transfer
The patented technology using purge & trap chromatography and online reduction of water to H/D allows CHNS/CNS analysis from just one sample with specifications of single element analysis, as such it is, in combination with a gold-standard IRMS from Elementar, the worldwide first and only instrument combination of an elemental analyzer coupled with a mass spectrometer for the simultaneous analysis of the isotope ratios of CHNS. With a large weighing range for the samples and a large concentration range of the elements, the vario ISOTOPE cube is the technology-leading elemental analyzer for isotope ratio analysis, in particular for food, plant material or soil samples.
Equipped with a special backflush mechanism, the vario ISOTOPE cube allows the measurement of oxygen isotopes in organic samples at 1150 °C with full separation of nitrogen and carbon monoxide using our special purge & trap technology. The purge&trap technology also allows unrivalled sulfur analysis capabilities due to the peak focussing and separation capabilities of the element-specific traps.