- 10 cm optical path length for the identification and quantification of high gas concentrations
- Volume inside the gas cell is 25 ml only
- PTFE coating of the gas cell enables the measurement even of corrosive gases
- Accounts for variable pressure and temperature of the gas by sensors
The MATRIX-MG01 features a gas cell with 10 cm optical path length and is especially well suited for the quantification of gas compounds with very high concentration. The cell has a volume of 25 ml only to enable a fast gas exchange with minimum gas consumption. Its PTFE coating and ZnSe windows ensure a maximum corrosive protection. The MATRIX-MG01 is equipped with temperature and pressure sensors and their measurement values are automatically read out and considered within the control software OPUS GA.
Fully Automated Identification and Quantification
The target gas is measured in a gas cell for high sensitivity compound analysis based on FT-IR spectroscopy. From the obtained spectra the gas concentrations are retrieved automatically by a nonlinear fitting procedure within the comprehensive software package, without the need for gas calibrations. The influences of interfering gases as well as of varying gas temperatures and pressures are taken into account by the analysis routine.